The Power of Patience


I have been challenged with this powerful and intimidating word for over a year now.  One of the Fruits of the Spirits, it is ever so present in my life than it has ever been.  Whether its going through a time of trial or joy, patience never leaves my side.  

Throughout the past several months, I've endured many days of frustration with many challenges thrown my way.  However, having my heart in the right spot, I knew that my patience was being tested each and every time I began to get frustrated with where my life was at the current moment.   My current job has many frustrations along with language barriers and cultural differences; some bad and some good.  It hasn't been easy and I just remind myself that God must have quite a sense of humor to keep me where I am.  Or maybe, just maybe, I'm fulfilling His plan each day as I rise. 

You never know what's going to come your way in life.  But trusting in something good, something great, something perfect is such an encouragement.  Patiently waiting for a new job, I realized that begging God for something different wasn't going to help me out at all.  I decided to just let the winds blow, storms come and sun shine as I waited for God's perfect timing. 

As I committed to quit constantly thinking about a different job, was when it all started.  A job opportunity surfaced.  As exciting as it all is, I'm not giving away details until I know whether I receive the job or not.  Either way, I find it will be a blessing in some way.  I just continue to be patient.  

The new job opportunity is exciting and was for me and my family for a few weeks until a recent challenge God faced us with.  

As a kid and even adult, you think your parents are invincible.  But as we grow and gain more knowledge, we find that things can happen, trials are faced and bad things do happen every day to every type of person, good or bad. 

I'm not one to get all emotional, but when you have a parent who is sick it is certainly tugs on my  heart strings.  

Having some eye issues, she didn't think much of it.  We all thought it was a piece of dirt or something.  As doctor appointments were made, we found out differently.  It wasn't a silly piece of metal or dirt, but something much more significant was wrong.  Most likely not really related to her eye at all.  

Another doctor appointment followed by an MRI would show that there were some spots on her brain.  The spots aren't cancer, there were no tumors and she hadn't had a stroke.  

What my mom has developed is something that is incurable.  She will live with it the rest of her life, if that is God's plan.  But as a family who believes in miracles and the power of prayer and that God's plan is perfect and good, we are being patient and trusting.  

It has not been confirmed, but the doctors are thinking she has developed the early stages of Multiple Sclerosis.  We are beyond thankful that it isn't cancer and that she will most likely live a normal life.  Because she has to.  She has kids, grand kids and WAY too much life to live.  

So we, as a family, are taking one day at a time remembering to be patient and let God do the planning for our lives.  It takes courage, trust and ....


There is so much to gain in our lives and so much to lose.  But you will never know until you make a move and decide to be patient and trust.  


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