
Showing posts from July 24, 2011

The Roller Coaster of Life

"God doesn't let bad things happen for no reason...something GOOD will come out of it."  Hearing that on the radio the other day, I realized that in life things happen and we never know why.  Some things are worse than others, yet we feel there is no hope and no love at times.  Life is full of obstacles and usually one failure leads to a great success or blessing. Recently going through an extremely challenging time in my life, I have been challenged by God to find His peace and love.  It is so easy for us to get wrapped up in the worldly things and put our hope, love and trust in them...but in the end they all will parish.  I constantly think of those individuals who seem to think that their world is perfect....but they don't have God in their lives.  I don't know how they survive each day or each hardship they endure.  Then you seem to hear them grumble about all that has went wrong in their lives! Crazy!  Sometimes I feel like saying to the...