The Power of Patience
Patience. I have been challenged with this powerful and intimidating word for over a year now. One of the Fruits of the Spirits, it is ever so present in my life than it has ever been. Whether its going through a time of trial or joy, patience never leaves my side. Throughout the past several months, I've endured many days of frustration with many challenges thrown my way. However, having my heart in the right spot, I knew that my patience was being tested each and every time I began to get frustrated with where my life was at the current moment. My current job has many frustrations along with language barriers and cultural differences; some bad and some good. It hasn't been easy and I just remind myself that God must have quite a sense of humor to keep me where I am. Or maybe, just maybe, I'm fulfilling His plan each day as I rise. You never know what's going to come your way in life. But trusti...