A Little Roaming

Arriving home late last night from a trip to Best Buy, I stepped out of my car to walk into the house and looked out at the baby calves to check on them before heading inside. 

As I checked them with a 30-second scan, I noticed something wasn't right.  The trip to Best Buy was with my sister, who isn't a fan of being outside in the dark late at night, and like normal she scurried into the house as soon as she stepped out of the car.  But before she made it to the door I told her to stop and look at the calves.

Growing up, just off of a major busy highway, it wasn't unusual from time to time during the wee hours of the morning to get a knock on our door or hear the phone ringing only to be made aware that we had cows roaming the neighborhood or running alongside the road.

There was even a time where we had cows, almost the entire herd of 120 head, get out.  Talk about an eerie feeling having a cow breathing really heavy while looking in your window at night.  The night this happened was when the corn was towering the backs of cows and the only way we could get them all in was to gather what we could and wait for the rest to make their way to the barn in the morning.

But last night, it wasn't an entire herd of cows and it wasn't a small herd of cows.  But there was definitely something wrong out by the baby calves.

As I asked my sister to look at what I noticed, she said that everything was okay.  I said, "No, look again." And as she was looking I told her that there was a calf out.

By this time, we were both half way in the house, but knew that we couldn't just go inside and ignore that this calf had escaped.  We approached the calf and after he ran all the way down our driveway and back up in the dark night, we caught him and shooed him back in his house. 

After checking the rest of them to make sure they were sound asleep, I was comforted to know all was well and that each calf was in their individual homes.

Many times we as humans often wander off the path we are on just to get a look on the other side or a taste of what we think might be better.  It's in those moments that we realize that what we had/have isn't so bad after all.

It also comes back to being thankful. Thankful for the friends, family, health, love and comfort we have knowing that we can always have what we need when we stick to the path and plan that is set before us.

Sometimes going off our path may get us in trouble or it may cause something bad to happen.  Just like the roaming calf, he could have ended up on the highway and have been in major trouble!

Instead he ventured for a little bit and came back to where he belonged, because I think he knew what was best for him.  Sometimes that's what it takes to realize what we have isn't so bad after all.  What might be another person's "easy street" may not be your own. 

And that's what makes us different.  Creating our own paths, learning from our mistakes and letting go of what we cannot change.  And that's what I remind myself often, that its okay to be different, okay to do something a different way.

So if you really wanna know if the path or journey you are traveling is the right one, take a step off the path for a brief moment and see where you end up.  You are where you are for a reason and doing what you are doing for a purpose.  And if you are wanting a change, be patient.  Your time is coming.     




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