
Showing posts from May 2, 2010

The Blossoms of Summer

As the school year comes to an end, it is time for me once again to pack up and move back home to the farm for the summer.  As I have continued my education at Purdue University another year, I have learned that the city life is not for me.  I love the country and everything about it. I will miss the great friends I have, but they will still be around next year upon return to Purdue.    Driving on back country roads, getting stuck behind a tractor...driving fifteen miles per hour, does not bother me one bit!  Getting up in the wee hours of the morning to check a cow that may be calving, receiving a knock on the door from a police officer telling us we have cattle that got out and are out on the road, to staying up late finishing milking due to complications on the farm earlier in the day are all just a few memorable moments I know that I will experience this summer.   What I long for the most this summer, is to spend time with my family, whether at co...