
Showing posts from January 24, 2010

Over Analyzing?

My 4-H dairy judging coaches would always stress to their teams that when we went to contests, we always needed to remember that over-analyzing a class would get us into trouble.  That wasn't something we as a team tended to do too much at the county and area levels of competition, but it was quite a challenge to not over-analyze when we were judging elite cattle at the state or national level of compeition.  As I reminisce and think about those words that my coaches drilled into my mind, I think sometimes in my life, in general, I tend to over-analyze many things.  Deciding whether to continue my education, choosing which classes to take, analyzing the potential I have to reach greater heights, etc., I don't have enough fingers and toes to count how much and how often I catch my self being too critical about life and its circumstances.   Each of us face challenges and obstacles that don't always bring the best ou...