Heaven Sent

From spaghetti ice cream, the worlds largest boar to the numerous questions about dairy cows from consumers and the public sharing what you know about your animals happens at no greater place than the Indiana State Fair.

A few weeks ago, I spent six days at the state fair, myself along with many other exhibitors of dairy cattle get to be reminded each day of why we do what we do.  We are quizzed by the public on our knowledge of our animals, receive some questions we never would dream of being asked and having the opportunity to brighten a child's day when allowing them to pet a cow.

The late nights and early mornings sometimes cause stress between families and show crews, but at the end of the day and the time we spend at the fair, we do it all for one reason. That reason is shown through our care and passion that we have for these bovine creatures.

Each year, I look forward to the state fair. Not only for the new friends I make, but the communication that I am able to perform with consumers and those who come to be amazed by the animals that they have never seen.  

I met a couple who began to ask me questions about dairy cows and the industry.  As we began to converse, I had an overwhelming feeling to tell them about my life growing up and the challenges and struggles that my family went through to be where we are today.  As I told them how we had to sell our cows and move on with life, I expressed my gratitude that I had God right beside me every step of the way.  It wasn't easy, but we knew with God by our side, we would be able to move on and finally reach that light at  the end of the tunnel.  

Continuing to talk about my life, I got this sensation that this man and his wife specifically came to the state fair to have a conversation with me.  Did I know that?  Did they know that?  No, I don't believe so.  But what I do believe is that God intercedes with our day, whether its going smoothly or not so well.  The man opened up and expressed how he was a sinner, but after several years, he hit a low and realized that's what he was missing-a relationship with Christ.  

How awesome is it to be able to witness and be witnessed to all in the same day, in just an hour of chatting with two complete strangers?  Every day since that day, I still feel a strong connection with these two people.    I don't remember their names or where they are from, but what I do know is that day I made a connection and new relationship. I may never seem them again in this life, but I know for sure I'll meet them at those pearly gates.  

God put these two people in my life that day for a reason.  I'm not sure what that is, but when thinking about it it gives me chills and complete trust that God has my life figured out, I just need to allow him to do his work.  

As I told the couple that I love to write, will write a book some day and that I blog, the wife seemed highly interested in reading my blog.  Like I said, I don't remember her name, but I sure hope she found my blog! If "Heaven Sent" has found my blog and reads it, I would love for you to comment!   

Don't be afraid to witness when you least expect it.  You never know what kind of blessing you will receive out of it.  God Bless-


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