Living, Loving and Letting Go

It always seems that as one thing happens in life, it begins a domino affect.  Never knowing how long the trials and triumphs will last.  Some days, we feel like we know exactly where our lives are headed and then at other moments, we struggle to understand the things we are going through and why life just isn't happening the way we desire it to.  

Facing one of the most challenging events in my life a year ago, I have found joy in that time of trial, pain, and confusion.  Many days I wonder why God allowed me to go through that time, but as the days go by, I don't regret what I went through.  What I remind myself daily, is that a sinner like me, had God right beside me through the entire experience.  Many times we wonder why we are faced with such challenges, but why aren't we thanking God for staying right beside us during those times instead of complaining about the obstacles that He put in our way?  As time ticks on, I won't deny that I struggle to understand some things, but as I mature in my love and relationship with God, I notice a smile that becomes noticeable on my face and thank Him for that experience, for it allowed me to become more in love with Him.  

Moving on and letting go of things that happened in the past is one of the most difficult things to do.  It's human nature to continue living in the "what if" world and keep bringing up the past.  The mistakes that have been made in the past are of the past and they are washed away in the eyes of our Father.  Whether it was a financial issue, a relationship crash, losing a loved one to someone who loves them even more, God, we tend to forget who created us and become selfish in our own being.  As my community just recently lost the lives of two young individuals, many comments came across Facebook and Twitter  saying that it was not their time, they were too young.  As we may feel that way, during the times of trial we tend to forget that God holds it all in HIS hands.  I'm not saying it isn't extremely painful to lose a loved one, a child, a mother/father.  For we never know when God will call us home.  But what we need to constantly remind our self is that we can't control time, can't control what happens in life, and can't control when we lose our parents, siblings, cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, best friends, etc.  But what we can and should continue to do is thank God for the time we had with those individuals.  As humans, selfishness is something we can't deny, but as Christians, we need to continue to challenge our self to become more like God.  For crying out loud, He WILLINGLY gave His son to save US!  Talk about no selfishness there.  If we are to be more like Christ, why are we so unwilling to let go of the blessings God has blessed our lives with?  Life is SWEETER on the other side, let those who He has called home go peacefully and celebrate the time you had with them and be excited that they finally get to meet our creator!  We are temporarily separated from those whom we have lost, as long as you have your faith, trust and love in don't need to say Goodbye.  

Every day we get closer to reaching our final destination; whether we believe it or not.  Christ is where our joy and sorrow meet.  Nowhere else in the entire universe can we find that place.  We can find hope, trust, love, grace and strength in the quietness of Christ.  Though the roller coaster of life never seems to give us a break or a chance to breathe, we can find that peace by knocking on the door of our Heavenly father and placing our hope solely in Him.  

I challenge you to write down the blessings in your life; remembering that you didn't create those, but Christ did.  He makes the sun rise, the moon and stars appear, places every breath in your body, shows you grace and love and gave you the best gift of all: the blessing of spending eternity with Him.  

10,000 Reasons by Matt Redman:



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