Whirlwind of Thoughts

Ever have it when you have a million things running through your mind and it seems as if that hamster living in your brain never takes a rest?  That's me...right now.  It seems as if every turn I take, every door I open or every chance I take, I'm faced with a million thoughts, questions and find my mind wandering all over the place.  

The last nine months of my life have definitely felt like I have been on a roller coaster...sort of like the Superman roller coaster at Six Flags.  You start sitting up on the ride until it turns you so you are facing the ground then off it goes!  Once the ride is complete you are sat back up and feel like life is back to normal.  Trying to find that "normal" is what's been challenging me lately.  Right as I seem to feel like I'm getting back to my old self and starting to move on, let go and live for the future...it happens. SMACK! Someone makes a comment, brings something up or I am faced with something that reminds me of my past.  

Trying to find that happy-medium in life is a challenge.  I've always wondered how those people who don't have Christ in their life make it each day.  I know that I would be such a mess, more of what I am now, if I didn't have a relationship with Him!  But, as I struggle to make it through some days or try to keep my chin up I'm reminded of the love that Christ has for us and His promise to never leave us or forsake us.  

Isn't it amazing to know that someone so  powerful, all-knowing and loving is ALWAYS there for us?  It's always neat to get to see how He works in the lives of others and in our own lives.  

As I push forward this semester at Purdue, I'm looking forward to May.  May is when I will receive a diploma from Purdue University and will close a chapter in my life, only to start a new and exciting one.  Life is full of choices and it's easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of life, but you must always remember there is nothing greater than the grace of God.  Don't let life allow you to forget who your creator is and who has already made the plans of your life.  


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