This is Home

Born in the frigid winters, dairy-loving state of Wisconsin, my passion for the dairy industry and dairy cattle was born there.  Spending only a short time of my life there, a little less than the first year of my life, I still feel like I'm at home whenever I travel to Wisconsin. 

Speaking of the feeling of being at home, I recently traveled to Wisconsin for the World Dairy Expo and in a couple weeks will leave the states for the FIRST time and travel to The Royal Agricultural Winter Fair in Toronto.  I'm not sure if I will enjoy my trip out of the states, but am certainly looking forward to this new adventure for me.  I'm not sure I'll feel like I'm at home when I am in Toronto!

It is silly sometimes, I refer to my college apartment as home. It seems like home at times...I mean I only spend 4.5 days a week at it, the rest of the week I either travel to Illinois to work or the place where I truly feel at home.  But, at times I catch myself and think...hmmm..did I really just say I have to go home (referring to Purdue)?

And then there are the numerous days in my life where I want to get out of Indiana....go travel and see the other 49 states. I have even said that I will not apply for a job in Indiana...which is still true to this day but I believe I have landed a job for when I graduate from Purdue in May 2012 in the neighboring state of Illinois with some pretty special people!  

Having an experience this summer, unlike any other, I have felt extremely torn about the possibility of living in a different state than my family and my niece who was just born in July 2011.  The prettiest baby I have ever seen...I struggle to stay away from her! 

No matter how much I don't like it...Indiana is my home.  It has been for the past 21 years and will always be home no matter how many miles away from it I live.  My family is in Indiana...most of my friends and loved ones are here as well.  I won't have to live here my whole life to know this is home...but knowing that I have a place in northern Indiana makes me get that warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

 Home is where the heart is.



  1. Ads says she wants Aunt Loco to stay in Indiana! We love you, Court!


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