The Roller Coaster of Life

"God doesn't let bad things happen for no reason...something GOOD will come out of it."

 Hearing that on the radio the other day, I realized that in life things happen and we never know why.  Some things are worse than others, yet we feel there is no hope and no love at times.  Life is full of obstacles and usually one failure leads to a great success or blessing.

Recently going through an extremely challenging time in my life, I have been challenged by God to find His peace and love.  It is so easy for us to get wrapped up in the worldly things and put our hope, love and trust in them...but in the end they all will parish.  I constantly think of those individuals who seem to think that their world is perfect....but they don't have God in their lives.  I don't know how they survive each day or each hardship they endure.  Then you seem to hear them grumble about all that has went wrong in their lives! Crazy!  Sometimes I feel like saying to you ever feel this certain tug on your heart but you don't know what it is or how to follow it?  You might just want to go the direction it is pulling you instead of ignoring it.  It also saddens my heart for those individuals who think us "bible thumpers" are nothing but judgemental people.     

Even though I have experienced this tremendous challenge in my life the past couple of months...I have also had the greatest blessing in my life so far.  I became an AUNT on July 14, 2011 to the most beautiful, precious, perfect baby girl....Adalyn Jean Kingseed.  Not only did my sister have her first child, our family was also blessed with another baby girl that my cousin and his wife had.  All I can say is family gatherings will be so much fun with not only one but TWO baby girls to LOVE on!   

The past few months have been an emotional roller coaster for myself...but I am finally starting to find peace.  Letting go and moving on from someone who was a significant part of my life for a year was extremely hard...but each day it becomes a bit easier.  This chapter isn't 100% complete in my is getting closer each day.  I heard a quote that said, "Everything is okay in the end. If it's not okay, then it's not the end."  Oh how I can't wait until that quote fits my life perfectly.


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