Meeting someone special can change your life

Have you ever really wanted to get to know someone or get in contact with someone, but were afraid to because you had never talked to them or even met them?  Well, a few months ago I was in that position.  I knew I needed to get in contact with this individual, but thought why would she want to talk to me?  I am just a college student with dreams that I'm not sure will come true.  After numerous people had informed me that I needed to talk to Melissa Hart, I finally gave it a shot.

Reading her blogs daily, not only on Dairy Agenda Today, but also on her knolltopfarmwife blog, I receive these little inspirations after each blog I read.  Something about Melissa connects with me and I had this deep desire within me to email her.  In my email, I said something along the lines that I loved reading her blogs daily, gave her a little bit of background information about me and then asked her about a couple other things.  I anticipated her reply back to my email, even though I was bitting my nails each time I would refresh my email inbox.  Shortly after I sent her the email, she replied back and was glad to hear that I enjoyed her blogs and was glad that I sent her that email!

Whew! I was relieved!  After that, we continued to email back and forth about certain things in the dairy industry.  As our cyberspace friendship began to grow, I felt there was some sort of connection with this marvelous woman.  Both of us wanting to meet sometime to talk in person about things that were on both of our minds, it never seemed to work out to meet.  We continued our email chatting and one day I was lucky enough to receive a phone call from Melissa.  I was absolutely thrilled when she had asked me to help her cover the dairy shows at the North American International Livestock Exhibition in early November.  Of course I wasn't going to turn this opportunity down to work with an individual like Melissa Hart.

As we worked together that weekend, snapping photos, taking them to her, pulling the off of the camera card, running back down so I didn't miss a single part of each class, I couldn't help but smile knowing I was working with one of the most profound female individuals in the dairy industry.  Melissa and I continue our cyberspace friendship as well as the one we have in our real life and I look forward to my next opportunity to work with Melissa.

I thank those individuals who gave me that extra push to contact Melissa Hart.  I try to think of the best adjectives to explain her....but can't.  She simply blows all of those adjectives away and I guess the best way to say it is...She is Melissa Hart, there is none other like her.


  1. :) Yet another LOVELY post! I'm glad you finally got in touch with someone who inspired yoU!


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