I don't think we thank farmers enough!

While watching a small bit of TV tonight, a commercial came on about the farmers in America. This commercial helps me have more of a hope and confidence in our country. As farmers, we provide food, jobs, and truth. We provide the largest amount of jobs compared to any other industry. We are all connected through agriculture whether you realize it or not. America's Farmers are proud to do what they do and perform their daily tasks to the best of their ability to make sure the products you are receiving are wholesome and full of vitamins and nutrients. We care for the land and grow more food than we ever have before, through using smaller amounts of energy. Land is more than our livelihood...its our legacy.

Click on the link below to watch this encouraging commercial.
America's Farmers

It makes me begin to wonder where the world would be without farmers. With the recent attacks on farmers throughout the various states from PETA, now is the time we need to unite and stand for what we do. Work hard to let the public see how we care for our animals and treat them like they are part of our families. Emotional appeals will gain us a lot of ground as we fight this battle. Who else provides land for wild life and is more concerned about the environment than farmers? Farmers work hard to protect the environment, for their own families live and grow on the land.

I invite you to take a visit to a farm if you never have. Visiting the grocery store may be as close as some people have ever gotten to a farm. Why not visit a farm and thank a farmer today?


  1. That is a pretty cool commercial. I often remind my students at school how important it is to remember where the milk comes from that they drink. I asked a 5th grader where he thinks the milk comes from that he drinks and he said the grocery store. I was quick to remind him that there is a long process of hard work from farmers like our father and family before the milk reaches the grocery.


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