The gift of love is more precious than a gem or flower

George MacDonald once said, "Instead of a gem, or even a flower, we should cast the gift of a loving thought into the heart of a friend, that would be giving as the angels give."
Give generously, for your gifts will return to you later. Ecclesiastes 11:1

After spending time with a famliy who I consider a part of my family, I realized that as dairy farmers, we go through almost seemingly more heartbreak and losses than anyone else.  There are less fortunate individuals out there, but at times when things happen suddenly and unexpectedly we are at a loss for words and feel like we are trapped in a tunnel.  Wanting to try to figure out how to get out of the tunnel but having little motivation to do so, we begin to turn to our close friends and family members for encouragement. 

Not only are dairy farmers struggling to meet ends meet, but there are some out there that are dealing with the loss of very special cows, broken water lines and other sorts of tragedys.  I begin to think...what can I do for those individuals?  Buy them a giftcard to a nice resturant and babysit their kids for them while the husband and wife get to be alone together for a nice meal and reflect upon the good things in their life, send them on a carribbean cruise (if I had the money I would!), or just show my love and compassion I have for the family by just being there when they need it the most?  Honestly, at times I don't know which is better to do, but I feel that in my quote at the beginning of this blog, George MacDonald says it all.  Money, diamonds, gems, flowers, etc., don't make things right even if it feels like with those things things may be better.  It's those little things in life like children, animals, and small notes of inspiration and encouragement that makes it feel as if the angels are watching over us and sprinkling that abounding love on us from God. 

Life is a challenge, and depending on your views, a game as well.  I'm a firm believer that God doesn't allow bad things to happen for no reason, something good will come out of it.  So as you continue your day, I hope you keep that in mind.  Pain and suffering only lasts for a short amount of time compared to the flourshing love that is given to each and every individual everyday by the grace of God.

As the holiday seasons approach, show your love to those who are less fortunate and God will greatly bless your life.    


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