Dairy Night at the Indiana Pacers Game

It was quite an eventful night at Conseco Fieldhouse in Indianapolis, IN, Wednesday, December 16.  The American Dairy Association of Indiana hosted a special event for the dairy farmers of Indiana to show their appreciation. With over 400 Indiana dairymen and women attending this event, these farmers should be more familiar as to how their check-off dollars are used. 

The event was held to show appreciation for dairy farmers’ support of the dairy check-off program, while enjoying food and fellowship.  Not only did dairy farmers get to feast on an array of pizza, a cheese buffet, milk and ice cream, they also got to meet a special guest, Miss America 2009 Katie Stam, who calls Seymour, Indiana her home.

Important not to miss anything during this event, cameras flashed, individuals chatted and stomachs were filled.  Meeting many farmers from Indiana, many were interested in letting the public know why they attended this event, why this promotion was important and a few other interesting facts about their self.  Franklin Weaver from South Eastern felt that this promotion was important because it “gave dairy farmers more information where there dollars go.” He also added, “I attended this event so I could meet Miss America.”  Weaver wasn’t the only dairy farmer who attended this promotional evening to see Miss America.  Danny Pugsley, of Middletown, also attended this event to see and meet Miss America.  He hopes that with the public seeing this promotion taking place, it could possibly help the price of milk.  Pugsley owns Holstein cattle and he told me he doesn’t have a favorite ice cream, he likes them all. 

After the reception, the dairy farmers got to enjoy watching the NBA Indiana Pacers defeat the Charlotte Bobcats, as well as many other dairy promotions throughout the game.  Katie Stam also performed The National Anthem, during pre-game.  However, that wasn’t the only way Katie was going to show off her talent.  Coming from a dairy farm family herself, Katie had to compete in a cow milking contest.  Along with Katie there were three other celebrities, Fox 59 sportscaster Jeremiah Johnson, MyNDY-TV’s Scott “The Face” Evans, and, finally, Ed Wank of HANK-FM.  Katie took her turn first milking the cow, to only show that from the large amount of milk she obtained, she had some expertise in milking cows, which led her to victory in the cow milking contest.

Throughout the game there were many opportunities for game watchers to receive free milk promotion items as got milk? shirts were tossed into the crowds along with other promotional items.  A “Lucky Section” was also designated and these lucky individuals received free milk coolers filled with Indiana-produced cheese and other promotional items.

Getting a few more thoughts on this event from dairy farmers that attended, David Ring of Huntington decided to attend the event so he could get to go to a professional basketball game and to see Miss America.  He also stated why the promotion is important to him, “Because it will help the dairy industry and the price of milk.”  Many of the dairy farmers felt that this event would possibly help the public to realize how important it is for them to support their local dairy farmers, as they support their consumers by the dairy check-off program. 

Duane Hill of Fountain City and Jay Beekman of Huntington both raise Holstein cattle and have a love for ice cream.  Hill stated referring why this promotion event was important to him, “This is so important because a dairyman works so hard and this shows the kindness for his or her work.”  Beekman decided to attend this event because he was a Pacer fan, watches the games on TV, and ‘the price was right.’”

Two dairymen from northern Indiana attended the game because it gave them an opportunity to let the public know the importance of dairy and dairy farms.  Not only did Brent McCay of Argos and Andy Lemler of Bourbon want to promote their products, but decided to attend the promotional event to see how their check-off dollars are spent. 

Deb Osza, general manager of the American Dairy Association of Indiana stated, “Many of our dairy farmers expressed appreciation for this evening.”  She also said, “Several noted how good it was to witness one example of how their check-off dollars are used to reach Hoosier consumers with our 3-Every-Day message.”

“They also enjoyed the opportunity to come together, and in some cases to meet for the first time,” she continued.  “It was a great evening, a memorable evening for so many reasons, and another chapter in our 3-Every-Day story to consumers.”

Additional information about and images of “Dairy Night with the Indiana Pacers” can be found at www.winnersdrinkmilk.com.


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