As my family embarks on a new chapter in our life life, our faith and love for God has never been stronger. Moving to Plymouth, Indiana in 1994 was an exciting year not only because of a new sister on the way, but a new chapter of life my family would be starting. Settling into my great-grandparent's house and farm we began a journey raising dairy cattle. We knew that this journey would be filled with joys and sorrows, laughter and tears, heartache and pride yet we continued to begin this journey. Sixteen years later, living through a tornado, deaths of cattle, riding the milk price roller coaster and watching feed prices sky rocket and hit bottom, this fun, wild and blessed dream my parents had been living for sixteen years was coming to an end for a number of reasons. As the tears of sadness fell as cows and heifers were loaded on trailers heading to their new homes, we knew that the love and passion we had for these beautiful bovine creatures did n...
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